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Detroit MI USCIS Office Reviews

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Detroit MI USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
130 Review(s)
Detroit MI Review #3355 on September 18, 2008:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We had our interview this morning and it was a breeze!!! My daughter had one time and I had an hour later but we were both called together at 9am. Myself and my husband had to swear the oath and then the lovely lady interviewing us checked some biographical data. While asking me some more questions she began taking the I-94 out of my passport and then doing the same to my daugher's. I then had to verify I wasn't a communist or a terroist etc and then she said we were approved!!!
I didn't have to show any documents apart from those proving me and my husband were living together... the interviewer was fantastic, made us feel very much at ease and was lovely throughout. An amazing experience.

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Detroit MI Review #3346 on September 16, 2008:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

A few logistics aspects first. We were scheduled for 10 am, and when we got there (around 9:30), the parking lot was full. Across the gate to their facility is another parking lot which charges $7 to park (nice of the US government to provide parking for applicants ). Anyway, we were not going to pay that, so we went back to the intersection, there is a Walgreens on the corner, we parked in their parking lot and walked back to the USCIS office.

The interview section is first on the right, immediately after going through the gate, and once inside, we gave the interview appointment letter to the officer. She inspected it very carefully to make sure our appointment time was close. My understanding is that they will turn you away and tell you to come back later if you show up too early, so don't worry about that, 15-20 minutes before should be plenty. Once in the waiting area, we saw some people being told to come back because they were too early. Anothe... read complete review

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Detroit MI Review #2823 on May 2, 2008:

Doug n Amanda

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Appt. was 1, arrived at 12:30 and was directed to the Visitor's Lot by a very friendly attendant at the gate. Directed thru security check by yet another very friendly security guard who checked our Appointment Letter and instructed us to put it in a basket and have a seat. The office was full/busy, and we noted another Ap Letter with an appointment time of 11:30, so we figured we'd be in for a long wait. Met a very nice couple (Poland) and chatted for awhile, hoping it was another couple we knew from VJ. Turns out it wasn't but the couple in back of us was! We were happy to meet Jeremy & Kristy from Canadian forum!

We got called back about 20 minutes late (apparently lunch was over and things were moving VERY quickly); Officer Delarosa was delightful...professional, yet friendly. He swore us in, verified some information from our application and asked for proof of marriage. We provided: utility bills w/both names, receipt for a roof we purchased in both names, an... read complete review

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Detroit MI Review #2814 on April 30, 2008:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Professionally done, reviewed I130 & evidence, reviewed I485, received verbal approval and I-551 stamp in passport at interview.

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Detroit MI Review #2703 on April 8, 2008:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We went for our green card interview yesterday.

I thought I was going to be really nervous but I was more exited than anything!
Our appointment was at 12. We got there 5 min before the check in time and went in only 15 min late.

We were greeted by a lovely older gentleman who invited us in to his office(cube like) and had us do an oath.

He was very friendly, not intimidating or mean at all!

He confirmed our identities and status by asking for our passports and my husbands social. He seemed to be looking over our I-130 briefly and so confirmed our full names and date of birth.

He then jokingly told us that he's going to ask me some embarrassing questions, and proceeded to ask the questions that you were suppose to answer on one of your forms about " have you ever planned espionage, done illegal human trafficking, been involved in terrorist activities etc". I thought it was pretty funny questions to ask b... read complete review

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